What is a Toothache?

Pain or discomfort in or around a tooth is known as a toothache. Dental issues such as tooth decay, a cracked or broken tooth, gum disease, or other dental issues are often brought to toothaches. The presence of toothache symptoms is almost always an indication that there is a problem with either the teeth or the gums. Extreme toothaches are caused by dental and oral disorders that won’t improve and need to be treated by a dentist. These issues won’t go away on their own.

What to do About the Excruciating Pain in my Tooth?

You should seek treatment at an emergency dental clinic for excessive or unbearable pain. Pain management is an important part of treating dental pain. In the interim, you can take over-the-counter pain medicine (such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen) and apply a cold compress to the afflicted region to reduce discomfort and swelling. These steps can be taken together for optimal results. Avoid anything that is either extremely hot or extremely cold, as well as crunchy or chewy. You’ll find that gargling your mouth with warm salt water helps reduce some of the tooth pain if it is severe. Find an emergency tooth pain dentist near your area for unbearable tooth pain relief and a healthy smile.

What are common causes of Tooth Pain?

Common causes of tooth pain include:

  • Tooth decay: Tooth pain can be caused by a cavity developing or hole in the tooth, especially when the affected tooth is used for biting or chewing. Get throbbing pain relief from tooth pain using root canal treatment.
  • Gum disease: Pain in the teeth is sometimes caused by inflammation or infection of the gums. See more about pain relief gum infection common cause.
  • Broken or cracked tooth: The delicate inner layers of a tooth might be exposed when a tooth is damaged or cracked, which can cause excruciating pain.
  • Abscessed tooth: Extreme discomfort may be experienced due to a pus pocket that develops close to the root of a tooth due to an infection.
  • Tooth sensitivity: Tooth sensitivity can manifest in pain or discomfort from ingesting hot, cold, or sweet foods and drinks.
  • Jaw joint problems (TMJ): Experiencing pain in the jaw or face, particularly while trying to open the mouth or during eating, may indicate a problem with the jaw joint.
  • Wisdom teeth: Extreme discomfort in the affected tooth can be avoided by removing the wisdom teeth< at the appropriate time. The wisdom teeth may need to be removed if they are causing persistent jaw pain, infection, or damage to surrounding teeth. It's important to consult for jaw pain relief if you are experiencing these symptoms.
  • Trauma/Injury: It doesn’t take long for a tooth to start hurting once it’s been knocked out or fractured.
  • Sinusitis: Tooth discomfort on one side of the face can be caused by inflammation of the sinuses, particularly in the upper molars of the back teeth.

These are some of the most typical reasons people experience discomfort in their teeth. A dentist determines the source of the discomfort and recommends the therapy that should be administered.

What do different types of toothaches feel like?

Here are different types of toothaches and what they mean.

  • Dull, Persistent Ache: The most common kind of toothache is a dull discomfort that lasts for a long time. Toothaches can be brought on by several factors, including an abscessed tooth, food lodged between the gums or grinding one’s teeth.
  • Sensitive Teeth: Having teeth sensitive to hot and cold temperatures is a frequent issue, and the primary cause of this sensitivity is typically enamel that has worn away. Exposed roots, old fillings, dental decay, and gum disease can all lead to increased sensitivity in the teeth, which can be quite unpleasant.
  • Sharp pain: When the enamel on your tooth has been fractured or if you have a cavity, you may experience stabbing or sharp pain. A trip to the dentist is typically required when there is severe discomfort in the teeth.
  • Severe, throbbing pain: A damaged tooth or periodontitis that has exposed the tooth’s root or nerves can produce a strong and throbbing pain in the affected area of the mouth. When the pain has reached an excruciating level, you need to get in touch with an emergency dentist as soon as possible.

Keep in mind that there are many different types of toothaches and that the type of pain experienced might provide insight into the underlying condition that is causing the toothache.

What are the symptoms of toothache?

The symptoms of a toothache can include:

  • Pain or discomfort in the tooth or jaw, which can range from mild to severe
  • Sensitivity to hot, cold, or sweet foods and drinks
  • Pain when biting or chewing
  • Swelling in the gums near the affected tooth
  • Tenderness or redness in the gums
  • A persistent bad taste or bad breath
  • Headache or earache near the affected tooth
  • Fever, if an infection is present

How to get Relief from Tooth Nerve Pain?

Here are some ways to get relief from tooth nerve pain.

  • Over-the-counter pain relievers: For example, taking painkillers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen might help alleviate the discomfort associated with dental nerve pain.
  • Cold compress: When applied to the outside of the cheek near the afflicted tooth, a cold compress can help alleviate discomfort and swelling.
  • Salt water rinse: The use of warm salt water to gargle can assist in the reduction of pain and the promotion of healing.
  • Clove oil: Applying a few drops of clove oil to the affected tooth or gum can help numb the area and reduce pain.
  • Dental treatment: It is essential to visit a dentist to receive an accurate diagnosis and the right treatment when the pain is severe or continues for an extended period of time.

When to see a dentist for Tooth pain?

You should make an appointment with a dentist if the pain in your tooth continues for more than two days. Dr. Peter S. Young at Premier Dental Esthetics is trained to help alleviate the pain and discover the root cause.

What exams or tests can be done for Toothache?

A dentist may do the following exams and tests to diagnose the cause of a toothache:

  • Visual exam: The dentist will examine your mouth and teeth, looking for any signs of decay, damage, or infection.
  • X-rays: X-rays can help the dentist see inside your teeth and gums to detect problems that may not be visible during a visual exam.
  • Bite test: The dentist will ask you to bite down on a piece of paper or some other material to see if a bite problem causes the pain.
  • Sensitivity test: The dentist may use a cold or heat stimulus to test the sensitivity of the affected tooth.
  • Pulp vitality test: This test involves using an electrical stimulus to test the vitality of the tooth’s pulp, the inner layer of the tooth that contains nerves and blood vessels.
  • Periodontal probe test: This test involves measuring the depth of the pockets between the tooth and gum to determine if gum disease is present.
  • Pulp test: This test involves removing a small piece of the tooth’s pulp to test for inflammation or infection.

The specific exams and tests that are carried out will be determined by the specific case at hand, as well as the dentist’s evaluation of the symptoms and presentation of the toothache. After completing the examinations and testing, the dentist will formulate a diagnosis and choose an approach to treatment based on the findings.