Pros and Cons of Dental Implants

Benefits and Risks of Dental Implants

Dental implants are metal posts that replace lost or damaged teeth. The main advantage of a dental implant is that it performs identically to a natural tooth. On the other side, the biggest drawback of dental implants is that they are a bit more expensive than other procedures like Bridges.

Pros of Dental Implants

Here are the main benefits of dental implants.

  • Dental implants function similarly to real teeth – Chewing again fully is one of the dental implants key benefits. Patients may eat, brush, and floss normally.
  • Dental implants delay the signs of aging and stop face sagging – A harmful side effect of bone loss brought on by tooth loss is face drooping. The bottom half of the face begins to collapse, progressively diminishing the distance between the chin and the tip of the nose. More wrinkles around the mouth, smaller lips, and a sharper chin are a few alterations that can make someone look much older than their real age.
  • Dental implants stop bone resorption – Bone loss occurs in the jaw when no dental roots keep the bone stimulated. Dental implants replace both tooth roots, providing the necessary stimulation for average bone growth.
  • Teeth implants maintain adjacent teeth stable – A gap left by a missing tooth may cause the teeth next to it to shift crookedly toward the direction of the gap. Your bite, ability to chew, and outward look may all be affected by shifting your teeth out of their proper alignment. It could cause issues and make future tooth replacement more challenging. A faulty bite may also affect your temporomandibular joint (TMJ), resulting in discomfort and headaches.
  • Dental implants last a lifetime – According to findings published in the International Journal of Implant Dentistry, dental implants are meant to last a lifetime. The implant, commonly made of titanium, merges with the jawbone. It won’t injure the body and won’t be rejected by it because it is biocompatible. According to findings published in the International Journal of Implant Dentistry, dental implants are meant to last a lifetime. The implant, commonly made of titanium, merges with the jawbone. It won’t injure the body and won’t be rejected by it because it is biocompatible.

Cons of Dental Implants

  • Dental implants are expensive – Dentures or bridges initially cost more than teeth implants, but the ongoing costs are less. Dental implants costs as little as a few thousand dollars for a single implant or as much as tens of thousands of dollars for whole-mouth implants. Most people only need to spend money on dental implant surgery once and only need to replace the artificial teeth that are fitted after a few years.
  • Dental implants require invasive surgery – Several simple procedures on the mouth and jaw are necessary to place an implant. Your dentist will go through each step with you to ensure you know what to expect during treatment and recovery.
  • Dental implants need several dental visits – Dental implant surgery often requires a string of sessions for up to six months. This could be frustrating if you’re hoping to fix your smile quickly, but the recovery time is crucial so the jawbone can solidly surround the implant and hold it in place.
  • Dental implants are not appropriate for everyone – Dental implants can replace all of your teeth, but not everyone is a good candidate for the treatment. You might not be a candidate for implant surgery, if you smoke, have medical issues, have poor dental health, or have lost a significant percentage of jawbone density. Dental implants have a risk of complications.Dental implants have a high success rate, but risks are involved in any surgical operation. Before you make the choice to obtain dental implants, your dentist will make sure you are informed of these risks. Infection, sinus issues, and nerve or tissue damage are potential dental implant surgical side effects. Dental implant repair, however, can be used to resolve these issues. In the unlikely event that your dental implant fails, your dentist will identify the primary source of the issue and choose the best course of action for you.

Dental implants are a wise investment because they are made to last a lifetime. Dental implants take a long time to install, but they may also be loaded immediately with the appropriate preparation.

Pros and Cons of All-on-4 Dental Implants

Four implant posts are deliberately positioned at intervals along the arch and attached to a denture plate in an all-on-four dental implant (also known as a whole mouth dental implant).

Cons of All on 4 Dental Implants

Whole mouth dental implants have a few drawbacks, just like any other procedure.

  • Due to the high biting stresses, all-on-four dental implants cannot be placed in the rear of the mouth.
  • Stability concerns might arise with all-on-four implants.
  • Maintenance on All on 4 implants is more sensitive.
  • All-on-four dental implants may temporarily impair speech.
  • Dental professionals must clean out food particles accumulated beneath All on 4 implants.

Pros of All-on-4 Dental Implants

The dental innovation known as “All-on-4” benefit patients in various ways.

  • One dentist appointment is sufficient to complete the All on 4 dental implant operations.
  • In comparison to having 10 or more implants placed, all on four heal more quickly.
  • Patients with fixed and long-lasting tooth replacements enjoy a better quality of life because to all-on-four dental implants.
  • For an entire arch of teeth to be restored using All on 4, just four dental implants are needed.
  • Throughout time, all-on-four dental implants enhance patients’ oral health by reducing the prevalence of dental diseases, including periodontitis.
  • All-on-4 implants are made to work with the least jawbone density possible.
  • Dental implants that are all on four do not require bone grafting.
  • All-on-4 implants perform similarly to natural teeth.
  • Dental implants placed all at once cost far less than traditional full-arch restoration procedures.

Dr. Peter S. Young at Premier Dental Esthetics has over 25 years of experience in dental implant surgery since 1998 and will enable you to regain your smile! Schedule a consultation with us to learn more about dental implants advantages and discuss the All-on-4 option.