Dental Implant Recovery Time

Typically, dental implant recovery takes three to six months. Implants are used to replace absent or damaged teeth. Your oral surgeon will make an incision to expose the gum and bone during the dental implant. The bone is then drilled with holes where the implant will be placed. Damaged teeth could necessitate tooth extractions. You must recover for seven to ten days before receiving dental implants.

What is the Typical Healing Period for a Dental Implant?

The average healing period for dental implants is between three and six months. At this point, the implants will have osseointegrated into the jawbone, and the gums will be completely mended, a procedure known as osseointegration. Each patient’s rehabilitation time will vary based on the number of implants they received, their adherence to post-operative instructions, and how their body reacts to the implant.

Understanding the Different Healing Stages After Dental Implant Surgery

Total recuperation time will vary based on the procedures a patient has undertaken. There are three primary phases of recuperation following dental implant placement.

  • Stage 1: Post-Surgery Recovery Period

You will be advised to recover immediately following your dental implant surgery. This includes refraining from exercise, eating brittle or firm foods, and smoking. You may experience edema and discomfort close to the implanted tooth. Typically, this lasts a few days to a week. Obey your dentist’s instructions to recover quickly and safely.

  • Stage 2: Healing of Soft Tissue

During the two-week initial healing phase following dental implant surgery, patients may experience erythema and edema around the implant site. Some patients may experience up to six weeks of edema. During this phase, it is essential to rest and avoid strenuous activities to ensure adequate soft tissue healing. Plenty of water can aid in implant site cleansing and speed up recuperation.

  • Stage 3: Osseointegration

During osseointegration, the dental implant integrates with the mandible, creating a solid foundation for the abutment and replacement tooth. This phase can last anywhere from three to six months, depending on age, oral health, and the number of implants. As your recovery progresses, you can progressively resume some of your regular activities. You must brush your teeth gingerly while avoiding the implant site until it completely recovers.

Before undergoing implant surgery, it is crucial to understand what to expect during the different dental implant healing stages. By following your dentist’s instructions, you can ensure the success of your implant surgery.

How Long Does It Take for the Bone Graft to Heal After a Dental Implant?

The dental bone transfer procedure increases the jawbone’s volume and density in areas of bone loss. Commonly performed before the implantation of dental implants or when adjacent teeth have experienced bone loss. Although you may begin to feel normal within a week or two, full recovery from dental bone graft surgery can take three to nine months. The recovery length depends on the graft type, the location where it was implanted, and your body’s capacity to recuperate.

What Is the Healing Time for a Dental Implant Before a Crown Can Be Placed?

On average, the implant site must heal for three to six months before a crown can be attached. A dental implant crown is an artificial tooth affixed to a dental implant, providing it with the same durability and strength as a natural tooth. Osseointegration must occur before crown implantation to provide sufficient stability for a crown.

What is Osseointegration?

Osseointegration is the process by which the implant and jawbone fuse due to the growth of the adjacent bone. While recuperating from the initial implant surgery takes only two weeks, osseointegration takes three to six months. After osseointegration, the dental implant will successfully fuse with the tissues and jawbone. The tissues of the jaw will grow around the implant, increasing its strength and stability. Osseointegration is required for the successful placement of dental implants.

What affects dental implant healing time?

Here are the six common factors that affect dental implant healing time.

  • Healthy Gums – The health of your gingival tissue is a significant factor that influences dental implants’ success rate and recuperation time. Active periodontitis increases the likelihood of developing peri-implantitis, an infection associated with implant failure. The majority of implant dentists recommend treating periodontal disease before implant placement.
  • Dental Hygiene – When it comes to dental implant recuperation time, maintaining excellent oral hygiene is crucial. Plaque and microorganisms in the mouth can be controlled by brushing twice daily, flossing once daily, and using mouthwash. This reduces the risk of infection and increases the likelihood of successful dental implant placement.
  • Jawbone Density – The density of the mandible is a crucial factor influencing the success of dental implants and their recuperation time. This is because sufficient jawbone mass is required for the implant to osseointegrate. People with less mandible mass can still receive dental implants, though they may require additional procedures such as bone grafting.
  • Diet – Diet is another prevalent factor affecting dental implant recuperation time. After surgery, you must adhere to a temporary soft food diet. Consuming soft foods helps you avoid damaging your dental implant before it has had time to recover. Conversely, consuming chewy, crunchy, or firm foods may overstress a recuperating implant, causing it to shift or shatter.
  • Smoking – If you smoke, your oral and overall health will suffer. After dental implant surgery, smoking interferes with the body’s normal recovery process and increases the risk of infection. Additionally, smoking constricts blood vessels, increasing the risk of excessive hemorrhaging before and after surgery.
  • Proper Hydration – Water consumption is essential after dental implant implantation. It aids in the elimination of impurities that could otherwise impede recuperation. Additionally, caffeine and alcohol should be avoided because they dehydrate the body. Alcohol should be avoided for at least two weeks after surgery, if not longer, because it may also hinder recovery.

Learn more about Pros and Cons of Dental Implants.

Dental Implant Recovery Tips

To reduce the edema, you should keep your head elevated, refrain from strenuous activity, apply an ice compress, and take the anti-inflammatory medication prescribed by your dentist. Rinse your mouth with tepid salt water to promote quicker healing. Soft foods should be consumed for the first few days following the dental implant implantation. Regular oral hygiene reduces the likelihood of acquiring an infection by removing plaque and bacteria. Finally, you must refrain from smoking because it delays the body’s recuperating process.

How Long Can You Wait to Get a Dental Implant After a Bone Graft?

Six months is the utmost duration between a bone graft and a dental implant. This period is required for the bone transplant to become strong enough to sustain a dental implant. In areas where bone loss has occurred, a bone implant can help augment the volume and density of the mandible. After the site of the bone transplantation has fully recovered, the dental implant can be inserted.

What more is there to know about dental implants besides healing time?

Dental implants are a popular dental treatment option that involves replacing missing or damaged teeth with artificial teeth that are securely anchored into the jawbone through implant placement. Dental implants can provide a long-lasting solution for missing teeth and can greatly improve the function and appearance of your smile. The dental implant cost with insurance can vary depending on various factors such as the number of implants required, the complexity of the procedure, and your location. It’s best to discuss the costs with your dentist beforehand and explore any potential insurance coverage or financing options.

Dr. Peter S. Young at Premier Dental Esthetics has been practicing dental implant surgery for over 25 years since 1998. With expertise in this field, Dr. Peter S. Young will provide you with post-operative care instructions to ensure your complete recovery from dental implants.


Pros and Cons of Dental Implants

Dental implants are metal posts that replace lost or damaged teeth. The main advantage of a dental implant is that it performs identically to a natural tooth. On the other side, the biggest drawback of dental implants is that they are a bit more expensive than other procedures like Bridges.

Pros of Dental Implants

Here are the main benefits of dental implants.

  • Dental implants function similarly to real teeth – Chewing again fully is one of the dental implants key benefits. Patients may eat, brush, and floss normally.
  • Dental implants delay the signs of aging and stop face sagging – A harmful side effect of bone loss brought on by tooth loss is face drooping. The bottom half of the face begins to collapse, progressively diminishing the distance between the chin and the tip of the nose. More wrinkles around the mouth, smaller lips, and a sharper chin are a few alterations that can make someone look much older than their real age.
  • Dental implants stop bone resorption – Bone loss occurs in the jaw when no dental roots keep the bone stimulated. Dental implants replace both tooth roots, providing the necessary stimulation for average bone growth.
  • Teeth implants maintain adjacent teeth stable – A gap left by a missing tooth may cause the teeth next to it to shift crookedly toward the direction of the gap. Your bite, ability to chew, and outward look may all be affected by shifting your teeth out of their proper alignment. It could cause issues and make future tooth replacement more challenging. A faulty bite may also affect your temporomandibular joint (TMJ), resulting in discomfort and headaches.
  • Dental implants last a lifetime – According to findings published in the International Journal of Implant Dentistry, dental implants are meant to last a lifetime. The implant, commonly made of titanium, merges with the jawbone. It won’t injure the body and won’t be rejected by it because it is biocompatible. According to findings published in the International Journal of Implant Dentistry, dental implants are meant to last a lifetime. The implant, commonly made of titanium, merges with the jawbone. It won’t injure the body and won’t be rejected by it because it is biocompatible.

Cons of Dental Implants

  • Dental implants are expensive – Dentures or bridges initially cost more than teeth implants, but the ongoing costs are less. Dental implants costs as little as a few thousand dollars for a single implant or as much as tens of thousands of dollars for whole-mouth implants. Most people only need to spend money on dental implant surgery once and only need to replace the artificial teeth that are fitted after a few years.
  • Dental implants require invasive surgery – Several simple procedures on the mouth and jaw are necessary to place an implant. Your dentist will go through each step with you to ensure you know what to expect during treatment and recovery.
  • Dental implants need several dental visits – Dental implant surgery often requires a string of sessions for up to six months. This could be frustrating if you’re hoping to fix your smile quickly, but the recovery time is crucial so the jawbone can solidly surround the implant and hold it in place.
  • Dental implants are not appropriate for everyone – Dental implants can replace all of your teeth, but not everyone is a good candidate for the treatment. You might not be a candidate for implant surgery, if you smoke, have medical issues, have poor dental health, or have lost a significant percentage of jawbone density. Dental implants have a risk of complications.Dental implants have a high success rate, but risks are involved in any surgical operation. Before you make the choice to obtain dental implants, your dentist will make sure you are informed of these risks. Infection, sinus issues, and nerve or tissue damage are potential dental implant surgical side effects. Dental implant repair, however, can be used to resolve these issues. In the unlikely event that your dental implant fails, your dentist will identify the primary source of the issue and choose the best course of action for you.

Dental implants are a wise investment because they are made to last a lifetime. Dental implants take a long time to install, but they may also be loaded immediately with the appropriate preparation.

Pros and Cons of All-on-4 Dental Implants

Four implant posts are deliberately positioned at intervals along the arch and attached to a denture plate in an all-on-four dental implant (also known as a whole mouth dental implant).

Cons of All on 4 Dental Implants

Whole mouth dental implants have a few drawbacks, just like any other procedure.

  • Due to the high biting stresses, all-on-four dental implants cannot be placed in the rear of the mouth.
  • Stability concerns might arise with all-on-four implants.
  • Maintenance on All on 4 implants is more sensitive.
  • All-on-four dental implants may temporarily impair speech.
  • Dental professionals must clean out food particles accumulated beneath All on 4 implants.

Pros of All-on-4 Dental Implants

The dental innovation known as “All-on-4” benefit patients in various ways.

  • One dentist appointment is sufficient to complete the All on 4 dental implant operations.
  • In comparison to having 10 or more implants placed, all on four heal more quickly.
  • Patients with fixed and long-lasting tooth replacements enjoy a better quality of life because to all-on-four dental implants.
  • For an entire arch of teeth to be restored using All on 4, just four dental implants are needed.
  • Throughout time, all-on-four dental implants enhance patients’ oral health by reducing the prevalence of dental diseases, including periodontitis.
  • All-on-4 implants are made to work with the least jawbone density possible.
  • Dental implants that are all on four do not require bone grafting.
  • All-on-4 implants perform similarly to natural teeth.
  • Dental implants placed all at once cost far less than traditional full-arch restoration procedures.

Dr. Peter S. Young at Premier Dental Esthetics has over 25 years of experience in dental implant surgery since 1998 and will enable you to regain your smile! Schedule a consultation with us to learn more about dental implants advantages and discuss the All-on-4 option.


How to Make Dental Implants Last Longer

Even with major advancements in dental care, tooth loss is a pervasive issue that impacts millions of Americans. Tooth loss can occur for a variety of reasons, including trauma, gum disease, and tooth decay. One of the most effective tooth replacement options is dental implants. Below you will find helpful tips for how to make dental implants last longer.

How to Make Dental Implants Last Longer

Dental implants are intended to be a permanent tooth replacement option that can improve your oral health and make you feel more confident about your smile. However, it’s important to take good care of your oral health to ensure that your implants last a lifetime.

Oral Hygiene Routine:

Whether you have dental implants or not, your oral hygiene routine is integral to your oral and overall health. This is because harmful plaque can build up and result in gum disease. Gum disease can impact both your gums and jawbone. This can have a negative impact on someone with a dental implant as untreated gum disease can result in jaw bone deterioration. This can result in dental implant failure so it’s important to maintain a consistent daily oral care routine and regularly visit the dentist. This includes brushing at least twice a day, flossing at least once a day, limiting sugary foods, and visiting the dentist every six months.


Research has shown that people who smoke have a lower success rate with dental implants. Smoking interferes with the blood flow to the impacted area. This can negatively impact the healing process necessary for the dental implant to stay implanted and in place. In addition, smoking also increases your risk for gum disease, which can also result in issues with your dental implants due to the risk of jaw bone deterioration.

Teeth Grinding

Grinding your teeth, either at night or when you are anxious during the day, can result in damage to your dental implant. Teeth grinding can fracture your dental implant, the porcelain crown, or loosen or fracture the screw holding everything together. Just like smoking, this can impact the healing process for those who opt for dental implants. If you grind your teeth it’s important to let your dentist near Pasadena know so they can help you plan accordingly.

Issues with Your Jawbone:

Dental implants are anchored into your jaw bone. If there’s not enough jaw bone available to secure the implant in place, the dental implant can fail. For those who want dental implants and don’t have enough jaw bone, there are options. Bone grafting or sinus lifting can be done to ensure that your dental implant stays in place.

Inexperienced Dental Provider:

If you are considering dental implants, finding a skilled dentist who is experienced in dental implants is necessary. A surgeon without the necessary experience can result in a variety of issues, including improper placement of the implants, tissue trauma during implant placement, or a poorly designed implant (to name just a few). Do your research in advance to ensure you have the best experience.

Signs of Implant Failure

Dental implants are a permanent tooth replacement option. However, if not taken care of properly issues can occur. Implant failure needs to be addressed immediately. Signs of implant failure include redness, swelling, bleeding, receding gums, pus, pain, and implant movement. The failure rate of dental implants is very low (less than 5%) so it’s important to find a skilled dentist for the procedure.

Dental Implants Near Pasadena

The team at Premier Dental Esthetics are skilled in dental implants and have helped countless patients restore their oral health. Contact their office today if you are considering dental implants near Pasadena!

Will Dental Implants Lift My Face?

Dental implants are an effective treatment option for missing teeth. Missing teeth can impact your life in a variety of ways. From your bite alignment and chewing to issues with self-confidence and your speech. Because tooth loss can also cause issues with your jaw bone, it can cause your face to sink in and sag. You may wonder, will dental implants lift my face? Below you will find the benefits of dental implants and why they are right for you.

Will Dental Implants Lift My Face?

Tooth loss can lead to the collapse of your jaw. This is because when the root of your tooth is no longer in place, your body no longer maintains the bone density in that area. This results in the jaw bone shrinking. When your jaw bone shrinks your face can look sunken in and age you. There are a variety of tooth replacement options, but only dental implants in Pasadena can address the issue of bone loss.

Dental implants can address this issue as they include not only a dental crown, but they also include an implant that essentially replaces your tooth’s root. The implant helps preserve the tooth’s root, which in turn preserves your facial structure. However, dental implants cannot restore lost bone in your jaw. If necessary, bone grafting can be used to restore your jaw to its natural form.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Missing teeth can be problematic so it’s important to find an effective replacement option. Below are some of the common benefits of dental implants.

  • Appearance: Dental implants look just like your natural teeth. They also operate just like them so you will have relative ease with eating and digestion, in addition to your speech. One of the major benefits is that you do not have to do any extra work to take care of them. They require the same care as your natural teeth, including a consistent daily oral care routine and regular visits to the dentist.
  • Speech: Missing teeth can cause issues with your speech and make it difficult to pronounce certain words. This can cause you to feel embarrassed and result in you talking less. Because dental implants replace your missing teeth and operate just your natural teeth do, it can drastically improve any speech issues.
  • Digestion: Chewing food with missing teeth can cause your jaw operate differently as compared to if you had all of your natural teeth in. Improper chewing can also lead to digestion issues. Dental implants are an effective way to ensure that your diet is not impacted by your missing teeth.
  • Self-Esteem: Missing teeth can make you feel embarrassed. You may talk or smile less due to the issue. This can be taxing on your mental health and social interactions. Replacing the tooth can help restore your confidence.

Dentist in Arcadia

The first step in getting dental implants is scheduling a consultation. The dentist will determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure. In order to be a good candidate for the procedure you’ll need to have healthy gums, sufficient bone density in your jaw, good oral hygiene practices, and abstain from tobacco use. Once you begin with the process, a cone beam scanner is used to create a 3D image of your mouth.

It generally takes two appointments to complete the process as the first one involves placing the implant in your mouth. The period between your first and second appointment can be a few months and varies from patient to patient. The second appointment involves removing the temporary cap and placing a dental crown on the implant. If you are interested in dental implants, schedule a consultation with the top dentist in Arcadia.

Surprising Benefits of Dental Implants

Tooth loss is a major issue for many Americans. In fact, it is estimated that 178 million Americans are missing at least one tooth. Roughly 40 million Americans are missing all of their teeth. Missing teeth can impact one’s self-esteem and result in less smiling. One of the most effective treatment options for tooth loss is dental implants. Below you will find the surprising benefits of dental implants.

Surprising Benefits of Dental Implants

If you are considering tooth replacement options, consider the following benefits of dental implants.


Dental implants look like your natural teeth. The improved appearance can improve one’s confidence in their smile.


Missing teeth can cause major issues with your speech. Even with dentures, your speech can be impacted. This is why dental implants are superior as they are natural, permanent solutions to so many speech issues related to tooth loss.


The impact of tooth loss can cause issues with your self-esteem and confidence. Dental implants look just like natural teeth, which can drastically improve your confidence.


Because dental implants are permanent and are just like your natural teeth, they feel comfortable. They restore the look of your natural smile and are much more comfortable than other tooth replacement options.


Dental implants make eating much easier. Missing teeth can cause major issues with chewing as your mouth has to overcompensate for the tooth loss. Even other tooth replacement options, such as dentures, can pose issues with eating.

Oral Health:

Dental implants are helpful in maintaining your oral health. They don’t require modifying any of your surrounding teeth, and this helps keep all of your remaining natural teeth intact. Because they operate just a natural tooth would, they allow you to continue your regular oral care routine without issue.


Unlike dentures, dental implants are permanent and don’t require removal. Once you have dental implants, your teeth and oral health operate just as they did with your natural teeth.


Dental implants are one of the most durable tooth replacement options. In fact, if you take excellent care of your oral health, they can last a lifetime.

Dental Implant Treatment

The process for dental implants begins with a consultation. If you are a good candidate for the procedure you can move forward with the process. The consultation is a great time to ask any questions and share your expectations. You will also be able to choose the color, shape, and size of your tooth replacement as it will be attached to the implant.

Dental implant treatment is smooth and appears just like your natural tooth. If your tooth hasn’t been removed already, you will need to undergo a tooth extraction first. Once the tooth has been extracted, a dental implant involves a titanium root, an upper connector (also referred to as an “abutment”), and the visible white portion on the top (also referred to as a “crown”). You will experience minimal pain and the recovery process is smooth.

The Implants Solution

Dental implants in Arcadia are an effective tooth replacement solution. Due to certain dental advancements, you can also opt for mini-implants. These allow for easier placement and a faster recovery time. Patients have reported that mini-implants are more comfortable than traditional implants.

Mini-implants are significantly smaller in diameter than traditional posts (also referred to as the “titanium root” portion of the dental implant). Because mini-implants are much smaller, they have less of an impact on your jawbone and require less bone for support. If you are interested in dental implants, contact the team at Premier Dental Aesthetics. They are the top dentists near Arcadia and have helped countless patients with effective tooth replacement options.

Do Dental Implants Look Natural?

Dental implants are the most effective form of tooth replacement, and they look 100% natural. In fact, they are the only tooth replacement option that completely replaces your natural tooth from root to cusp. As a result, dental implants provide superior comfort and long-lasting functionality.

Do Dental Implants Look Natural?

The only downsides are that they can take several dental visits to place, and they cost more upfront than other tooth replacement options. With that being said, the implant itself will last for the rest of your natural life. And the crown will only need to be replaced every 10-15 years as long as you practice normal oral hygiene. Now we’ve covered the basics. So let’s have a look at how dental implants are made to perfectly replicate your tooth in every possible way.

The Process of Placing a Dental Implant

A dental implant typically requires at least three office visits. During your first visit to your dentist in Arcadia, they will evaluate your current oral health to make sure you’re a viable candidate for a dental implant. Typically, that means a visual inspection of your gums as well as x-rays. With these, your dentist can have a look at your jawbone.

  • Keep in mind that significant bone loss or untreated gum disease may preclude you from receiving a dental implant right away. Infected gums and deteriorating bone simply can’t support a dental implant. However, if you’re determined, there are usually treatment options available that will make a dental implant possible for you.
  • Given that all goes well during your first visit, your second visit will consist of placing the metal post of the implant. This segment is drilled directly into your jawbone using an anesthetic. You shouldn’t feel anything during the procedure. Once the post is placed, you will be sent home with care instructions to ensure that your jaw heals properly. The healing process typically takes 8-10 weeks, but it may be longer if you’re older, smoke, or have any condition that reduces blood flow or generally slows your ability to heal.
  • Depending on where you get your dental implants near Pasadena, taking impressions may be a separate visit. Once you’ve had impressions taken, the molds are sent off so that a customized crown can be made just for you. Once the crown is ready, and you’re fully healed, an abutment is used to connect the post to the crown.

The Importance of Replacing the Root

A dental implant is the only tooth replacement option that replicates your natural tooth down to the root. This may not seem like a big deal. But it actually has a massive impact on your oral health down the road. You see, your jawbone actually relies on the chewing motion to tell your body to replace old bone tissue with new bone tissue.

Without a root, these signals don’t reach your jaw bone. Over time, your jaw will lose considerable mass because it is no longer replacing old bone tissue. This can cause your facial structure to change noticeably and has the ability to undermine surrounding structures.

Making A Realistic Looking Crown

The crown is the part of your dental implant that is visible above the gumline. In most cases, the crown is made of porcelain molded from an impression of your jaw. They are colored to match your natural teeth. And they’re highly durable. As a result, a quality dental crown is virtually indistinguishable from a real tooth. On average, you can expect your crown to last at least ten years. But they can last several decades with appropriate care.

Tooth Replacement For The 21st Century

South Temple City tooth implant supported dentures

At Premier Dental Esthetics in Arcadia, we offer tooth replacement for the 21st century. Not everything was better back in the “good old days.” Take dentures, for instance. Dentures have been around for generations and have certainly improved the lives of thousands of people who have lost many or all of their teeth.

However, Grandpa’s traditional false teeth are not the best tooth replacement. Traditional dentures can stop many important mouth functions: chewing, tasting, swallowing, talking, and smiling.

Dentures have evolved!

Implant-anchored or implant-supported dentures are far superior than old-school dentures for many patients. So much better, in fact, that there really should be another term for this advanced tooth replacement system – a term that doesn’t include the word “denture.” (If you can think of a good name, let us know.)

There are two types of implant anchored dentures; removable and permanent. No adhesive is required for either system.

  • With the permanent type, screw retentions are anchored in the jaw to serve as attachment points for the denture. Permanent implant-supported dentures are very stable. Moreover, they are usually less expensive than replacing each missing tooth with an implant. (The cost varies depending on the number of implants necessary and other factors.)   Screw retentions require enough bone thickness to allow the implant to securely mesh with the existing bone. Unfortunately, some patients who have been missing teeth for a long period of time have experienced bone recession. For patients who lack the necessary amount of bone, mini-implants may be an alternative.
  • Removable implant anchored dentures have a locator attachment which allows the wearer to snap the appliance in place. Some patients prefer this type because they can remove them at night for cleaning. Countless patients who have traded in their traditional dentures report that their implant anchored dentures have significantly improved their life.

The benefits of implant-supported dentures include:

  • Increased comfort
  • Natural appearance
  • Normal tooth function
  • Improved stability
  • Better bone retention
  • Denture relines not necessary
  • Minimal gum irritation
  • No denture adhesive required

Getting implants from Premier Dental Esthetics in Arcadia will make you smile with a real toothy grin. We offer a full range of cosmetic dentistry procedures, as well as family dentistry. Schedule an appointment with us today.



Contact Premier Dental Esthetics – Peter S. Young, DDS:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

301 W Huntington Dr. Ste 217
Arcadia, California


ArticleID 6958

Are You At Risk For Bone Recession?

dental bone grafting Arcadia

We all know that a healthy smile requires decay-free teeth and healthy gums, but how often do we appreciate our jaw bone? Our teeth need a strong firm foundation to remain healthy and beautiful. This post from Premier Dental Esthetics in Arcadia looks at bone recession.

Occasionally, a patient experiences bone recession in their jaw which can cause tooth loss and other problems. However, it is ordinarily the other way around. The bone loss occurs as a result of a lost tooth. When a tooth and its root is lost, the blood supply and stimulus required for maintaining healthy bone is taken away.

Let’s look at the most common causes of jaw bone recession:

Extracted Teeth
Bone is living tissue and needs stimulation to stay healthy and retain its size and density. Biting, chewing, talking and all the other normal mouth functions keep the portion of the bone surrounding the tooth root healthy. When a tooth is extracted, the bone that used to anchor the tooth root recedes as if it understands that it is no longer needed. A dental implant provides stimulation similar to the natural tooth and can prevent bone recession.

Gum Infection
A gum infection can result when gum inflammation goes untreated and progresses to periodontitis. With periodontitis, the gums pull away from the teeth creating pockets which provide the perfect breeding ground for the detrimental infection.

Gum infections can progress undetected, though there are usually warning signs. Swollen, painful gums, loose teeth, and gums that bleed when brushed are symptoms of periodontitis. The infection dissolves bone as the gums pull away from the tooth. Inadequate oral hygiene increases the risk of gum disease but other factors can compromise gum health. These include smoking (no surprise here), hormone levels, diseases that lower immune system effectiveness, medications that cause dry mouth, and genetic predisposition.

Abscessed Tooth
An abscess is a pus-filled pocket of infection that occurs in the nerve and roots of a tooth. As the infection attacks the tooth and bone tissue it creates a space that fills with pus. There are several treatments for a tooth abscess including antibiotics to kill the infection, a root canal, or extraction, if needed.

If you would like to replace a missing tooth with a dental implant, but don’t have enough bone at the implant site, you might be a candidate for bone grafting. Bone grafting may sound like major oral surgery but it is really a routine procedure. Call us at Premier Dental Esthetics in Arcadia. Services include family dentistry. Make an appointement today!

Contact Premier Dental Esthetics – Peter S. Young, DDS:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

301 W Huntington Dr. Ste 217
Arcadia, California


ArticleID 7006

Replace a Missing Tooth with a Durable Dental Implant

Arcadia dental implants in arcadia

Implants? Crowns? Veneers? Invisible braces? As dental technology and services have expanded in the Arcadia area, so has the vocabulary. Dentistry has advanced to provide many new solutions that address almost every possible dental issue. Dr. Peter Young, considered one of the best dentists in California, has the ability with cosmetic and optimal restorative care.

In the past, if a patient in Arcadia had a missing tooth or a severely damaged tooth, California dentists regularly suggested dental bridges or dentures, because they were the best options at the time. These days, unprecedented dental implants in Arcadia have proven to be superior to dental bridges for most dental patients. They can also replace dentures or anchor dentures for some patients.

Dental implants in Arcadia provides many essential advantages over a dental bridge or dentures, such as:

Longevity – Dental implants are durable and permanent, meaning with proper care they can last ten years or more.
Seamless – Fabricated to have the same shape, size, and color of the original tooth, the implant will blend seamlessly with all the other teeth. If the original tooth had aesthetic troubles, these can usually be repaired with the implant crown.
Function – A dental implant functions like a natural tooth allowing for normal eating and speaking.
Convenience – Unlike dentures, no adhesives, rinsing, or removal is needed.
Independent – Like the missing tooth, the dental implant is treated individually. No damaging of adjacent teeth is required, as with dental bridges. This independence allows nearby teeth to remain intact. Cleaning is easier than with most dental bridges which can require the threading of floss under and around the artificial tooth.

If you want to determine if dental implants in Arcadia are right for you or if you desire specifics about smile redesigns, call Premier Dental Esthetics for more details. We look forward to meeting you!

Contact Premier Dental Esthetics – Peter S. Young, DDS:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

301 W Huntington Dr. Ste 217
Arcadia, California

Great Achievements in Dentistry

Dental implants are one of the greatest advances in the field of dentistry. They are an artificial tooth root that is surgically implanted into the jaw of a patient, to replace a missing root. The implant, in turn, can support an artificial tooth. Dental implants are available from Premier Dental Esthetics in Arcadia.

The idea of a dental implant actually goes back at least a thousand years. But implants as we know them today date back to the early 1950s. One of their great benefits is that they help to prevent bone loss, which is common in people who have lost one of their natural teeth.

In practical terms, the great thing about implants is that they function like a natural tooth. Implants are typically made of titanium, and they fuse to the patient’s jaw. They integrate so well with the bone that the body does not recognize them as a foreign object, and try to reject them.

Dental implants can be used to replace a single tooth, or they can be used as anchors for dentures. Dentures may be more affordable, but because they are removable, most patients find that they can be unreliably loose. They can also affect the ability to enjoy food. These are not issues with implant-supported dentures.

Dental implants from Premier Dental Esthetics in Arcadia are the closest thing to getting back a natural tooth. Find out more by scheduling a consultation today.

Contact Premier Dental Esthetics – Peter S. Young, DDS:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

301 W Huntington Dr. Ste 217
Arcadia, California