Benefits of Whiter Teeth

Woman with a white smile

Having a whiter smile can lead to major benefits as you are more likely to smile more often and attract good energy. White teeth are often associated with many positive benefits, but it’s not always easy to achieve. Having a good oral hygiene routine, in addition to visiting the dentist regularly, can help. However, most often people opt for teeth whitening treatment to achieve their brightest smile. Below are some of the benefits of whiter teeth and why you should invest in a professional whitening treatment.

Benefits of Whiter Teeth

Whiter teeth have a variety of benefits, from increased self-esteem to more career opportunities. Consider the following benefits of whiter teeth and consider a whitening treatment at your next dental visit.

Increase in Self-Confidence:

Whiter teeth often correlate to a brighter smile. This is because it evokes confidence and people with whiter teeth don’t have any insecurities about the look of their smile. The increase in confidence in your smile can lead to improvements in your overall confidence.

Young and Fresh Look:

Due to natural aging, diet, and certain lifestyle factors, your teeth can become stained and discolored. This can cause your teeth to look yellow and aged. Teeth whitening treatments can address this issue and help turn back the clock on your smile. This is because a whiter smile is often associated with youthfulness.

A Sign of Good Oral Health:

While having whiter teeth doesn’t always mean your oral health is perfect, it is often the case that people with whiter smiles have good oral health. People who take care of their oral health by maintaining a consistent oral care routine and attending regular dental checkups often have whiter teeth. This is because they are well-versed in habits that promote healthy teeth, such as eating healthy and staying in communication with their dentist about how to take care of their teeth and gums.

Perceived Positively:

People with whiter teeth smile more often and have high confidence levels. As such, people perceive them as friendly. Most cultures consider smiling as a positive human connection. Those who keep their head and eyes down may not be seen negatively, but someone who holds their head high and smiles is often perceived much more positively.

Career Benefits:

Research has shown that Americans perceive people with a healthy smile to be smarter and more successful. This can be a major benefit if you are in an interview, networking event, or even in your own workplace. Those who are perceived as smarter and more successful are afforded more opportunities, including advancements in their career and salary.

Teeth Whitening Treatment

Teeth whitening in Arcadia is an effective treatment for addressing stained and discolored teeth. Many people experiment with over-the-counter whitening treatments, but professional teeth whitening is much faster and more cost-effective. It’s important to talk with your dentist about teeth whitening treatments as they can advise you on which one is right for you due to the variety of options. Your teeth may simply be stained or have some discoloration. Or you may have some underlying dental issue that needs treatment. This is why it’s important to consistently visit the dentist for your six-month checkups so they can closely monitor your oral health. Scheduling a consultation proves a great first step for those interested in professional teeth whitening treatment.

Cosmetic Dentist in Arcadia

If you are unhappy with the color of your teeth, contact the dentists at Premier Dental Aesthetics. They have trained in a variety of dental treatments, including cosmetic, family, restorative, and general dentistry. Contact the top cosmetic dentist in Arcadia today for an appointment!